Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bounty on Christians


This is why all religion is bad.

At least fundamentalist versions of it.

Holy crap. Again.

I can't believe it, but there are blog posts not simply condoning, but encouraging the insane child-abusing mother who scarred her daughter for life. Still, I think some of them are just trolls. Or they really are crazy m*Sorry, can't swear, mother and father will be reading blog*. For example, this woman.

Let's delve into the minds of insane, deluded fools.

Warning: The goggles, they do nothing.

Over the past week, I have taken the time to do a little research.The research is in the area of Christian persecution. I thought for the longest time that persecution was only in a Country where you would hear of people being burned alive, or acid thrown in their faces.
BAWWWWWWWWWWW. And really, she's comparing burning alive and getting acid thrown into people's faces to people accusing somebody of religious child abuse? That's whack, yo.

All in the name of trying to quiet the voice of Chritians , spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I found this persecution,in varying degrees going on all over the World.And in recent days has been becoming more frequent!!!

I'm guessing epic troll. Or somebody that failed her English lessons so much she's still at third grade. Also, BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

What brought Christian persecution to the forefront , in my life anyway, was a blog I read. This blog made me rejoice, and after reading some of the comments they turned my glee to sadness. The blog I speak of is by Jean at


I first, read the blog, and was so enriched and blessed at it's candor and innocence. I scroll down to see comments and yes, for a tad,I did get angry! But that emotion immediatly turned to sadness. The cruel,pious,worldly view I read on those comments,were from the people that were lost.Lost and truly needed to be saved. They spoke of self esteem and Christian parents ,that believe our Children are born into evil, we would be child abusers!! They speak of what they know not of. They speak of a Worldly view!! I do think that the abuse Jean has taken from these lost souls was for God's Glory!! Why? We may never know.But God surely Knows!!NO DOUBT!! I also do not doubt that we are weak and God makes us strong!! The trials we go through we must endure!!

This specimen reeks of a troll. Reeks.

In fact, another specimen is in order. I think this one is a troll, full and simple.

Let's try forums.

This is suppression of religious freedom by people too ignorant to pick their knuckles off the ground. The comments I read on that blog represent some of the most ignorant objections and accusations, to the point I question their sincerity and suspect the writers of being obtuse. God help me become an attorney.
God help me you don't.

No, wait, that dosen't sound right...

Common sense help me you don't.

That's better.

Now for another one:

Oh my word... That just makes me sick, reading those comments. What hateful, godless people!
BLGEARGH. Yay, I'm godless, I'm godless!

"There is no such thing as evil, but you are evil for telling your child there is evil! You evil woman, abusing your child like that! How dare you destroy her self-esteem!" They are such fools! Makes me want to start the crusades all over again.
Lulz. Most people agree that child abuse is evil, even people who don't have moral absolutes. Like me, except I have my own absolutes.

All she is guilty of is writing a little unclearly and using strong theological language. No-where does she suggest that she has told her child she is 'depraved' or 'worthless'.
Ahem. Please listen to the first six seconds of this video. Yes it does, yes it does.

Listen here, theistarded morons; Something that is implicit is usually as good as something that is explicit.

Got it?


Witness the power of Mariam-Webster:

1: deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind
: extremely or deplorably bad or distressing wretched health> wretched accident>
3 a: being or appearing mean, miserable, or contemptible wretched old clothes> b: very poor in quality or ability : inferior <wretched workmanship>
A.K.A. Worthless and depraved. Quod erat demonstrandum. I love saying that. No, I'm not using spellcheck for it. I glory in it's pronounciation and revel in knowing how to spell it without any help.

A sister-in-Christ, Jean, wrote of a beautiful moment in her four-year-old daughter’s life when (Jean believes) the Holy Spirit began a work of regeneration in that precious girl’s life. Alas, such a beautiful account has received more than a ton of flak from many calling it “child abuse”.

If you have the time, drop by Jean’s blog and send her an encouraging note amidst all the hate from the “tolerant” and “open-minded” folks.

Though I doubt if brother Paul himself would call it a prophecy, this episode reminds me of the warning he sent out during the Q&A session at the recently-concluded Revival Conference. Sadly, many of us are still asleep; it’s time to wake up!

My thanks to Lane Chaplin for bringing this to my attention at Facebook.

Ahem. This one is from a blog. Beautiful? Seriously? BLEUAAGH.

I'm done for now. Cya.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well, I have nothing today, so...

I'm completely bored right now. I have no theists to argue with and no idiots to laugh at (other than the White Nationalists at Stormfront), so I went to 4chan to see if there are any new memes around.

Unfortunately, no.

But I did come across Cleverbot.

It's awesome. You should try it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stoning in Somalia

I cannot express my rage at this.

So I'll direct you to someone who can:

Religious Child Abuse

Holy. Crap.

So. We have an abusive mother who managed to scar her 4- year old daughter for life.

Somehow she thinks that her daughter was touched by the Holy Spirit or something, and somehow the words Jesus Christ came to her lips even though she's never taught her about it.

Although, she seems like the type that would read the Bible to her other two children and put posters with biblical sayings up around the house.

Children aren't that stupid, you know. They can tell by the tons of verses you pinned up on the wall that that is what you want them to believe. Or maybe that's just me and her daughter really was brainwashed by the stuff she saw and heared.

I can't believe that this woman hasn't been reported to Social Services yet.

Apparently, when it's for religion, child abuse is AWWWRIGHT!

It's a meme, look it up.

On second thought, don't if you value your sanity and your eyeballs.

Instead, see this quote from the article:
She is a wretched little girl, who knows she is a wretched sinner who needs only a good saviour to help her. Glory belongs to God!
Touching. You can feel the Christan love in that post.

Questions That Atheists Shouldn't Be Able To Answer, But Do Anyway

Apparently, some idiot named "Ray Comfort" has put up a list of questions that apparently people like us can't answer. I would like to debunk that ridiculous statement. And no, I didn't look these answers up.

1. What was in the beginning?

Do I even need to describe this in detail? Singularity. Big Bang. We win, you lose, because we have teh science. It works, bee-yatch.

2. How will life on earth end?

Most likely, it's impossible to predict when complex life will end on earth. Single-celled organisms, however, will definitely live until the sun goes red giant and eats the inner planets up. With it's tendrils of fire and it's rapid expansion.

3. What happens after death?

Either we rot, get turned into ashes or perhaps get uploaded into a computer. I'm hedging my bets on the first two theories.

4. What is the purpose of existence?

To breed and pass on genes. This is a great pickup line. Or a great way to get punched in the face.

However, if you go the more optimistic route, it's to live life to the fullest and reach your full potential. But this isn't such a great pickup line, so I'll stick with the realist philosophy. "Pick up tons of chicks and breed like rabbits."

We can also say to have fun. That's a great philosophy to live by, as long as your idea of fun is not to kill people. We can all say (except for the few that don't) that that's a bad idea.

5. Why there is order in all of creation?

Huh? What do you mean by order?

Wait, I just remembered the genetics knowledge that Metal Gear Solid taught me.

Nature favors asymmetry; most species that have become extinct showed signs of sy- wait, that's not answering the question. Nevermind, just google it.

6. Why there is morality in every civilization?

Morality is something that we have evolved to have; even animals have it, but we have a better grasp on it because of our huge brains. Our brains rock.

And no, psychopaths don't count. They're the exception that proves the rule.

7. Why does every civilization believe in a Creator?

Is this a trick question? Look at Sweden, you theistard. Anyway, what do you mean by "Civilization"? Everybody in the civilization? Or the leaders? Or... my brain hurts from the stupid.

8. Why does every sane person have a conscience, even when it is not dictated by society?

See the answer to question six.

9. How did nothing create everything?

It's not that nothing created everything; there was a tiny, teeny-weensy little cute speck of we-don't-know-what that created everything. Hey, I'm eleven, I don't know everything. All I know is that some sorts of atoms gathered around something. And then exploded.

Just look at Wikipedia or something, okay? I swore I wasn't going to use any sources but the ones in my head.

10. Which came first--the chicken or the egg?

The egg. Each generation is effected by evolution ever-so-slightly when it is born. The egg came first because each egg is a member of a new species of chicken. Though you can't tell any differences at all, it's DNA has been altered just a little bit. This translates to huge changes over eons. I tried explaining this to my Muslim friends at school, but then they said something about eggs having babies. It's a good idea not to debate with an idiot except in a controlled debate in public.

If anybody has a problem with my insults, you don't understand. I do it to purge the stupid out of my system.

By the way, it's an element; see?

First Post!

Hello. I am an atheist eleven-year old from Singapore.

Somehow, I think I just managed to destroy my credibility with that last sentence.

But still- this is where I will post anything I think that isn't completely trivial.

And remember; if you want to troll the comments, you're actually quite welcome; I enjoy the lulz as I crush your every anti-atheist statement to the ground until nothing is left.